About SET PA

The purpose of our parent association is to create a bridge between parents, guardians, and the educational institution, fostering open communication and cooperation. It aims to support and enhance the educational experience of students by organizing events, providing resources, advocating for their needs, and fostering a sense of community among families and educators.

Established in 2020
The SET Parent Association (PA) was established in 2020 as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization for the benefit of the students and faculty at SET High.
We strive for 100% participation, and welcome any help!
We need your support to keep our children’s high school experience enriched and valuable.
We have monthly board meetings that take place during the third week of the month, alternating between Saturday mornings and Thursday evenings to accommodate various schedules. We would love for you to join us! If you would like to be added to our emails, please subscribe to the newsletter below.
Our Board
- WIlliam Frantz, President – President@sethighpa.org
- OPEN, Vice President –
- Sasha Wilson, Secretary – Secretary@sethighpa.org
- Virgina Nigro, Treasurer – Treasurer@sethighpa.org
- Laura Gunn, Communications – Laurie.Gunn@sethighpa.org
- Jenn Karnopp, Member At Large – Jennifer.Karnopp@sethighpa.org
- Quin Owens, Member At Large – Quin.Owens@sethighpa.org
- Wendy Stachowiak, Member At Large (Fundraising) Wendy.Stachowiak@sethighpa.org
- Angela Frantz, Member At Large (website) info@sethighpa.org

Our ByLaws
Under Revision – These are currently being updated and we would love your help! Please reach out to Laurie Gunn if you are able to contribute.