SET High Parent Association
About the SET PA
Through collaborative efforts and shared goals, we strive to enhance the academic journey and overall well-being of our students as they progress through high school.
Upcoming Events
Annual Fall Picnic &
Back to School Night
September 5, Begins at 2:00 pm
On September 5, the SET Parent Association is hosting our popular fall community picnic from 2:00 – 4:00 PM at Cabrillo Heights Park (the park behind the school). With early release at 1:25 and Back to School Night beginning at 4:30, this picnic is a great opportunity to get some food, meet other parents and interact with the teachers in an informal setting. To make the event a success WE NEED YOUR HELP! The SET Parent Association needs volunteers to grill, help with the selling of SET merchandise, bring food, and more!
You can sign up for a volunteer slot or contribute needed items by clicking here.
It will be hot and sunny. Bring your own chairs, tents, blankets, umbrellas, sunscreen, etc. and enjoy an afternoon of food, games, and fun with the SET community! We look forward to seeing you there.
SETPA Board Meeting
Thursday, Sept 19 7:00 pm
Log in virtually through Chime
Join us at our upcoming board meeting and be a part of shaping our school’s future! Your valuable insights and ideas are crucial in ensuring the best educational experience for our teens. Come share your thoughts and collaborate with fellow parents. Details on the Events page and in your email. We look forward to seeing you there!
About SET
The School for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SET High) is a WASC-accredited, tuition-free public charter high school in San Diego. We offer an intellectually rigorous environment that brings out students’ talents and personalities, enabling the next generation of makers, business leaders and innovators, big thinkers and big dream chasers.
school hours
M-F: 8:30am – 3:30pm
3540 Aero Ct, San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 874-4338